General comments

Please post any general comments about the conference, or any comments on more than one paper, here.

1 response

  • R.J. Rankin says:

    I read all 12 individual papers.
    Tolios touched upon tax evasion, corruption, bureaucracy, writing off debt, stealing assets in lieu of debt repayment, time for peripheral countries to rebel, and blaming Greek destruction on Germany in WW2.
    Passaris was 25 pages of waffle. Irene S was feminist waffle.
    Manganas, although also blaming the German question, did equally say that Greece had been living beyond its means. “The glorious feast that had come to such an inglorious end”.
    Liodakis moved from Marx to capitalism eventually talking about Neo Liberal Capitalist policies.
    Kontronkis & Roukanas talked about Greek industry in the light of EC – ECB – IMF, and Public Debt going to the masters for external financing.
    Kalatzake talked about the Institute of International Finance in Greek Debt restructuring, credit write-downs, and the infighting between major Banks and vulture hedge funds.
    Glinavos – the most comprehensive and complex matters of Finance were examined here.but were much too difficult for the average reader. Greek haircuts were examined alongside Investor arbitration under Bilateral Investment Treaties starting in 1961. German investors came in for more criticism over lawsuits over Greek Debt Swaps (not Credit Default swaps). He ended with 2 Concluding Paragraphs and one with Concluding Remarks.
    Dymski & Ioannou examining the “neoliberal global capitalism constraints”, concluding that the eurozone must change if it is to survive and downsize the financial megabank complex.
    Ortiz compares biology and physics.
    Carrier wishes to return to return to single currencies in the future.
    Carastathis ,looks at migration workers being coerced and exploited.

    The real problem was when Greece joined the European Union and therefore the Eurozone, the new money was like a nice child entering the sweetie shop with its parents (the Greek politicians) encouraging them, so as to gain popularity and therefore voted in again as if there were no tomorrow day of paying back with interest. Not only that but debt was increased in order to pay debt and when that did not work then the global banking cartel come after the country’s assets.

    R.J. Rankin